Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Please sign this....

It is such a simple thing parents do...Our child from Kindergarten through high-school sez,
"Mommy, Daddy, I want to go to...." Then we, as parents are handed a form for one of us to sign that in essence  waives us suing anyone if our sweet angel is hurt while at the activity.

 That is where this blog begins....

Twice a year the Pastors from several local Churches in our little community get together with their  Youth Pastors. They choice a Church  building and an activity. This great  activity for our Youth is called, "A LOCK DOWN." It begins at 5:30 PM on Friday and ends at 10:30 am Saturday morning.
The kids are from 13 TO 18 (7th  to 12th graders) , Chaperones include 2 sets of Youth pastors male and female. One Pastor and his wife and 2 volunter couples. The amount of children (oops I mean young adults usually is about 35 kids.

A week before the activity waivers are sent home for what ever the activity is; but like most parents mine got buried under tons of other papers.

The kids bring sleeping bags, ipods, iphones etc. We all bring food , lots of snacks.

Arrival time and of course we are running late because I am picking up several other kids. We arrive and I am flagged down by a youth a pastor telling me I forgot to sign the waiver for the activity. He points me to a table where about 25 other parents are standing to sign said form.

I will now admit that my youngest who went to this "Lock Down" is the baby of 5. I have been signing waivers for decades. AND yes, I admit this now, I have NEVER EVER read any of them!

 I kiss my precious child who just turned 14  and in 8th grade. Heather has a 98.78 GPA, she was a lead in the school play, plays several instruments is in 3 bands, Sings at Church. You get what I am saying she HAD it all together.

My husband and I are enjoying alone time and comment on how the phone has not rung all evening.

When I went to pick Heather up I had no idea that our world was about to turn upside down...